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The Lost Tapes of History

Jul 26, 2022

The date is October 1597. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Bess has just moved into Hardwick Hall and celebrated her 70th birthday. An estate agent visits to value her newest property, now that renovations are complete.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Bess: Gill Stoker -

Jul 19, 2022

The date is 30th May 1593. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Marlowe is on his way to the house of Eleanor Bull in Deptford. He’s running late so he flags down a taxi.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Marlowe: Steven Kent - T: @KentosSteve

Driver: Thomas Witcomb -

Jul 12, 2022

The date is July 1592. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. Dee has just had his 65th birthday and wants to know what his future holds so goes to visit an astrologer to have his chart done. Again.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Dee: Leslie Davidoff -

Jul 5, 2022

The date is March 1590. Queen Elizabeth is on the throne. The first book of The Fairie Queene has just been published. Edmund is in London to see that everything is printed as he wants it.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Spenser: Andrew Callaghan -