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The Lost Tapes of History

Apr 27, 2021

The date is May 1505. Henry is considering a new wife and is off to Naples to visit the widowed Queen, Joan. He is about to board his ship when he is asked to step to one side. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry VII: Brad Holcombe - – T:...

Apr 20, 2021

The date is September 1483. Richard's two nephews, Edward and Richard have gone missing. He's been hauled into the police station. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Richard III: Simon Topping - – T: @simonptopping

Officer: Zoe Browne -

Apr 13, 2021

The date is November 1482. Edward has come to his tailor in Westminster to get measured for a new outfit. Strangely, he's having trouble fitting into his other clothes.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Edward IV: David Leake

Tailor: Kitty Bennett -

Apr 6, 2021

The date is 21st May 1471. Henry has just died and he's arrived at the pearly gates to be met by Saint Peter. Or perhaps it's an Angel. It's hard to tell with all this smoke. 

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Henry VI: Mark Bateman - - T:...