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The Lost Tapes of History

Feb 8, 2022

The date is March 1512. King Henry VIII has just granted Margaret her petition and she is now the Countess of Salisbury in her own right. She is now one of the wealthiest women in England after many years of struggle after the death of her husband. She needs some advice on how to spend it all wisely.

The Lost Tapes of History was created and written by Kerrie Fuller.

Margaret: Emma Wilkes - T: @harbs17

Manager: Rafaela Elliston - and T: @raffyelliston

Narrator: Fraser Fraser - – T: @fraserfraser123

Intro/Outro: Becky Reader

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©2022 Since79 Productions

Sound Disclaimer: The Lost Tapes of History was recorded remotely in late 2021. As such, the actors used what equipment they had available and were limited by their location. This has resulted in variable audio quality although hopefully, it won’t stop your enjoyment of the podcast.

Sound effects from Opening Theme Music: TheTunk; Closing Theme Music: Nuria1512; Other effects: AldebaranCW, kingsrow.